10/30/2023 0 Comments And then there was light...Notice how white light cannot be "seen" without darkness.
This is a clue to how our bodies perceive the environment and why the dualistic mindset is how we tend to create reality. Look at the two examples below:
The experience of life, of being born, begets the concept of death. We are built to be attached to life, to take action to stay alive, and to procreate. Fear of detachment from life (i.e. death) motivates human beings, so we endlessly seek ways to "feel" alive. We continually look for evidence that we are safe, that we matter, and that we belong by being acutely sensitive to (fearing) anything that may indicate we are not safe, that we do not matter, or that we do not belong.
Perhaps you can now appreciate how and why suffering is built in to the experience of being human. And yet it is possible to transcend suffering. Of course this cannot happen so long as we take the dualistic perspective seriously. For more guidance on how to go beyond the "default" state of mind view the Sense-a-Books I have created by simply clicking on each red view book tab in the column to the right on this page or links in the Books/Resources section.
Notice how the mind seeks difference to define concepts
To proclaim "all is good" activates thoughts and feelings that deliver evidence of what is not good. Being with, accepting, and appreciating this human tendency for what it is, a necessary survival tool, is a first step to being able to let it go, to stop mistaking it for Truth, and to transcend it.
You already are the change you seek.
As illustrated above, greeting and holding all parts of one's self and appreciating the the "realities" or "conditions" under which each operates is what an empathic loving presence can offer. Change automatically begins where judgment (of both self and others) and resistance-to-what-is ends. With regular "radical acceptance" practice deep transformation is possible and merges into a flow of being and becoming that exists outside of any familiar sense of personal identity. You are built both to have an identity and to let it go, giving up the separation that it engenders. Be the change you seek. For more in depth understanding of why and how this works view my two free Ebooks, I Simply Am ...not who I think I am and Discovering Life Before Death.
LOVE: Not what the mind is accustomed to.
Love is the expression of life energy that makes all possible. Love is inherently welcoming, accepting, inclusive, holding and appreciating of all, no exceptions. Love is infinite and absolute. It has no opposites, for it includes all. Love is beyond the mind's comprehension, because human thought (a creation of love, of course) is designed to sense differences, make distinctions, form judgements, and manipulate stories, all as a means of enhancing the survival of the species. Because of the enormous power and success of the mind, we humans define who we are and how we operate on our individual thoughts and related emotions. The seed of our success has turned into the root of our suffering. To find out more about how this works and a way to rediscover the power of unconditional love, transcending fear and insecurity, view the "Sense-Books" viewable on this site.
10/22/2023 0 Comments LOVE simply and unconditionallyLOVE - express & experience its many forms
Loving is built into our design. As we consciously transcend old patterns of conditional thinking and feeling, LOVE, despite its infinite forms of expression, reveals its elegant simplicity.
Life energy in disguise.
How often do you find yourself displeased with feelings or emotional states that arise in response to life situations? Imagine what it would be like if you were to greet every emotional response (yours and others') with acceptance & curiosity. Every emotion is an expression of life energy, which is inherently good. When we reject, manage, or ignore feelings we are practicing a form of self oppression, limiting the flow of life energy within us. By acknowledging and sensing into them as they are and, in turn, into other parts that want to change them, we begin a process of self-liberation, loosening tangles, shifting perspective, and moving forward freshly in relationship to being and becoming.
According to Rumi: This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if theyâre a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Establishing a regular practice of compassionate self inquiry eventually changes neural pathways and how the brain operates, experienced as transcending old patterns of feeling and thinking. In addition to my Ebooks viewable on this site, a well written book that explains how to establish a mindful approach to all that arises in the body is Your Body Knows the Answer: Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity by David I. Rome |
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